Natural Deodorant that Actually Works?

Make sure your daily armpit aroma-absorber is not toxic!

Hey Tracy, 

I know you’ve written before about antiperspirants being potentially dangerous in terms of toxic ingredients, and I get that.  But I am really having a hard time finding a natural deodorant that works and actually keeps me from smelling.  I figure if I can smell myself without trying – and dislike it – I’m probably not my coworkers favorite gal.  Any suggestions?


Aromatic and Annoyed


Yes, great question!  As you said, I am not a fan of any antiperspirants.  As much as we may not like it, we are designed to sweat in our armpits; it’s where our lymph nodes unload toxins as well.  And almost all commercial antiperspirants include aluminum.  Clearly, slathering  a  metal toxin on your lymph nodes each day doesn’t make much sense!

In fact, I do have two suggestions.  There are many natural products available today for deodorants, but as you well said, many of them don’t work very well.  We have aroma in our armpits due to either what our body is excreting (toxins, garlic, etc.) and/or because bacteria grow easily in a warm, moist place and give off their own odors.  Effective natural deodorants feature natural essential oil antimicrobials in a base that will adhere to our skin yet not block our pores completely.

My top two suggestions include